The World's Smallest and Smartest Kitchen
How do you like to have Teh Tarik at home on demand?  

With Thermomix, you can!  Just a couple of seconds is all it takes to get a nice cup of teh tarik.

Noodles in tomato soup.
All natural ingredients with no preservatives.
Healthy and yummy.

Assam Pedas cooked using the Thermomix.
Easily adjust the level of spiciness according
to your family's taste

Themomix Exclusive Host Reward Program

Share your Thermomix Joy with 3 to 6 guests to receive ONE of these exclusive Host Rewards, FREE when there is a Thermomix purchase within 7 days of a hosted Cooking Experience OR at a host-only special price (no Thermomix purchase required). 

* Terms and Conditions of the Host Reward:
* Limited to one reward option per customer 
*Not applicable to advisors.

1.  4 piece Classic Serving Set

Take home this exclusive Serving Set to enhance 
your dining pleasure and serve with style as a proud hostess.
*FREE or S$50
Valued at S$279.

2. Daily Asian Cooking Cookbook

Take your Thermomix cooking to the next level with this inspiring collection
of more than 60 recipes from Thermomix advisors and users.  
The Daily Asian Cooking is an essential companion for any enthusiastic
Thermomix cook interested in exploring Asian dishes.
*FREE or S$25
Valued at S$50

3.  Thermo Server

Made exclusively for Thermomix users only, not available in the market!
Like a Thermos, this high-quality insulated stainless steel bowl
keeps food warm or cold for extended periods.  
Food and soup keep warm at table; 
works great as a container for ice cubes, ice-creams, chilled juices etc.
Maximum capacity of 2.2 litres. 
Easy to main and clean, dishwasher proof
*Free or S$40
Valued at S$135

4.  Thermo Mat

This silicon mat is perfect for proving dough and confectionery work.
Can handle temperatures from -40° to 280°C
Ruler measures on edges for accuracy.  Non stick surface, easy clean up.
*FREE or S$25
Valued at S$60